*In order to access the NiFi Demo site you will need to download the guest cert for access (save file as guest.p12). Import the cert into your browser (password is guest_nifi).
New cert created 8/13/21

From Xml data file  to Web Page display

Questions? nifi@silvercloudcomputing.com

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NiFi Lesson videos (8 is not done yet)

Working demo of NiFi

QuakeReports is a dedicated data flow system designed to illustrate the powerful real time processing capabilities using the new Apache NiFi architecture. It functions as a transfer/translate data flow for earthquake data provided by the USGS (in an xml formatted file). The NiFi processed results are ultimately routed to a web server for display.

The earthquake data manipulation and formatting is done through the applied use of various standard NiFi provided processors. This simple data flow design consists of several stages:

  1. Hourly query of the latest USGS provided earthquake xml formatted report.
  2. Separate out each quake events listings into its own event
  3. Create a google map HTML entry for each event
  4. Merge all of the process events into a single HTML page for display
  5. Send this HTML file to a remote JMS topic for forwarding
  6. Receive the JMS topic message for final delivery to the web serverTransfer (via sftp) the received html file to the final destination directory for display